
Walking Wild & Free is owned and administered by Anne, an entrepreneur, Jesus-lover, outdoor enthusiast, and view chaser. After hiking in the national parks of the United States for over 25 years, Anne launched this site to help others discover the best trails in the national parks and surrounding wilderness areas.

Her favorite hikes? “Anything with a crazy good view, though I’m rather partial to craggy mountains, like the Cascades in Washington, Grand Tetons in Wyoming, the High Sierras, and the Rockies in general.”

In her spare time, Anne develops website content, cycles local roads, kayaks rivers and creeks near home, enjoys crafts (including knitting and quilting), and writes novels for the fun of it. Her first website, begun as a school project and now an acclaimed hiking blog, can be found at https://annestravels.net/

You can also find Anne on Patreon, MeWe, and on social media: