Needle Peak – Death Valley National Park

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  This is a Rumored Hike. Wayfinding may be required or the route or features may not exist. Travel at your own risk and always obey signs and local regulations.
Needle Peak, Death Valley National Park, California
Needle Peak, Death Valley National Park, California
Needle Peak, Death Valley National Park, California
Needle Peak, Death Valley National Park, California
Needle Peak 1
Needle Peak
Location map for the attractions and roads and trails on the southern end of the West Side Road, Death Valley National Park, California
Needle Peak 1
Needle Peak
Location map for the attractions and roads and trails on the southern end of the West Side Road, Death Valley National Park, California
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Needle Peak, Death Valley National Park, California
Needle Peak, Death Valley National Park, California
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Scramble up a peak with views over Anvil Spring Canyon, Butte Valley, and much more.

Total Distance: 7.0 miles out & backElevation Gain: 2,669ft. (3,582ft. to 5,772ft.)
Difficulty: Very Strenuous5-10 Mile Difficulty: Very Strenuous
View Rating: 4.0 out of 5.0 starsAuthor’s Rating: 3.0 out of 5.0 stars
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Pets: NoHorses: Yes
Best Seasons: October-MaySpecial Permits: None
Water Availability: No potable waterOvernight Options: Dispersed camping permitted at least 100 feet from any water source
Trailhead Amenities: NoneCrowd Factor: Solitude
Trailhead Access: 2.0
Uses: Day hiker icon Backpackers Icon Horses Permitted Icon No Dogs IconTrail Surface: Dirt Trail Surface Icon Scree/Talus Trail Surface Icon Wash Trail Surface Icon Off Trail Surface Icon Scramble Class 2 Icon Scramble Class 3 Icon
Features: Views Trail Feature Icon Spring Trail Feature Icon Colorful Rocks Trail Feature IconHazards: No Water Icon Hot Day Icon High Clearance Required Hazard Icon 4x4 Required Icon Vague Trail Hazard Icon Scramble Class 2 Icon Scramble Class 3 Icon

Mile-by-Mile: Death Valley Buttes

0.0 Willow Spring (3,583ft.). (Note: You’ll have to take the right fork of the two roads on the Willow Spring/Anvil Spring Road to get to Willow Spring.) From the trailhead, head west (right) to skirt the greenery, then turn south (left) to drop into and then cross a wash. About 0.4 miles from Willow Spring, the desert hump you’ve been hiking along on your left will give way to a sort of valley. Turn left up this valley – there will be a lighter hill on your right as you go up this valley. The valley rises to a sort of saddle and then descends via a small wash until it drops into a larger wash about mile 1.3. (35.910677°, -117.059227°)

1.3 Wash (3,693ft.). Turn right here to ascend the wash (Note: You can cut the corner on this by doing some ups and downs over small hills; I’ve gone all of the way to the wash in this writeup for ease of describing the route.) Walk up this wash and then ascend to the ridgeline at the end of the valley. (35.906646°, -117.046128°)

2.8 Approximate top of ridgeline (4,641ft.). Turn left (east) up the ridgeline. See if you can spot a social trail as you travel upward. The route is often steep but usually not more than Class 2 with occasional Class 3 moves. There is a false summit before you reach Needle Peak. (35.888547°, -117.039746°)

3.5 Needle Peak (5,767ft.). Enjoy views in all directions before retracing your steps to Willow Spring. Views stretch north into Butte Valley, east toward Badwater Flats, south into Long Valley and the Naval reservation, and west toward the distant Sierras. (35.886514°, -117.028588°)

History & More

There are a fair number of animal trails in the area. That’s good for following, but be sure they don’t lead you off the route!

This is an extremely remote hike. Be prepared with water, food, and a self-rescue plan should something go wrong.

Needle Peak is probably named for the needle-like hoodoos on and around the mountain. It’s also possible that early explorers found needle cases from plants on the mountain.

For an alternate beginning to the route, you can follow the Anvil Spring Canyon Route to where a small canyon comes in on the right at 35.917713, -117.046309. This small canyon will take you up to a bigger wash; turn right (upcanyon) up the bigger wash. You’ll intersect the route described above at 35.906646°, -117.046128° (“1.3 Wash” above).

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Driving Directions

Trailhead is at the end of the Willow Spring/Anvil Spring Road (accessible via the Warm Spring Canyon Road in Butte Valley). Be sure to take the right fork near Willow Spring to get to the correct trailhead.

Additional Warnings & RegulationsSpecial Permits & RegulationsFees
Camping is not allowed within one mile of a paved road, developed area, or dirt road that is closed to camping.
Camping is not permitted within 100 feet of a flowing stream, spring, or other natural body of open water.
No camping is permitted on the floor of Death Valley, within one mile of Darwin Falls and Greenwater Canyon, on the active/shifting sand dunes, and certain other canyons and backcountry areas.
Camping is also prohibited within one mile of the Ubehebe Lead Mine, Leadfield Mines, Keane Wonder Mill, and Skidoo Mill.
Camping is limited to 30 days per calendar year within the park.
Fires are permitted in NPS-provided fire grates or grills ONLY.
Remember to take food & water!
Leave No Trace Principles are enforced
Drones and model aircrafts are prohibited
Camping is permitted only in designated sites or in areas open to dispersed backcountry camping
All park rules and regulations
7 Day Pass: $30/private vehicle. $25/motorcycle. $15/individual (bicycle or on foot).
12 Month Pass: $55/Death Valley Annual Pass (valid at Death Valley National Park). $80/America the Beautiful Annual Pass (valid at all national park and federal fee areas). $20/Annual Senior Pass (62 years or older US citizens; valid at all national park and federal fee areas). Free/4th Grade Pass (Valid Sept. 1-August 31 of the child’s 4th Grade school year). Free/Military Pass (valid for all active military personel and their dependents with a CAC Card or DD Form 1173).
Lifetime Pass: $80/Lifetime Senior Pass (62 years or older US citizens; valid at all national park and federal fee areas). Free/Access Pass (available to all US citizens with perminent disabilities). Free/Access for Veterans and Gold Star Families Pass (valid for all military and veterans with a CAC card, Veteran HJealth Identification Card, Veteran ID Card, or veteran’s designation on state-issued drivers license or identification card.)