Course Content
A pre-lesson to help prepare you for Lesson 1.
Lesson 1: Getting Started
Collect the photography gear that you'll need for the course
Lesson 2: The Workings of a Camera (Technical Lesson 1)
In this lesson, we'll discuss how a camera works - including digital cameras!
Lesson 3: Background vs. Foreground (Composition 1)
In this lesson, we will look at the three basic elements of every photograph - the foreground, the background, and the subject.
Lesson 4: Light (Technical Lesson 2)
Everything in a photograph is based on light. In this lesson, we will study light and how to use it to your advantage while taking pictures.
Lesson 5: Tell a Story (Composition 2)
In this lesson, we will discuss how to compose pictures in such a way as to draw viewers into the photo via the story it tells.
Lesson 6: The Direction of Light (Technical Lesson 3)
In this lesson, we will look at how the direction of light affects our photographs - and why this is important.
Wilderness Photography 101
About Lesson
  1. What type of camera do you have?  Is it a phone camera, point-and-shoot camera, bridge camera, mirrorless camera, or DSLR?  Write down the model (for example, Nikon D850 or Samsung S23 Plus).
  2. Look up your camera’s manual online (most can be found on the camera manufacturer’s website), or, if you have a phone camera, look up information about the camera in your phone.  It may be a lot of technical mumbo-jumbo, but we’ll get to what it all means before the course is done.  If the phone doesn’t say what type of camera you have, look at the settings or do a web search about your phone. 
  3. Browse through the manual or do a web search:  Does your camera/phone allow you manual controls?  Can you manually change the f-stops (aperture), shutter speed, ISO (exposure), and/or white balance?  Does it have changeable lenses?
  4. If you have more than one type of camera (say, a DSLR and a smartphone), take both (or all) cameras to shoot the exact same scene or subject.  Take a few photographs with each camera on Auto or Program mode (in other words, just use whatever settings the camera wants to use).  
  5. Move to a second location with different lighting conditions (preferably with less light).  Note the difference in handling the cameras, in framing, and in how they respond to different lighting situations.
  6. After you return home, view all of the pictures on a laptop or computer.  Which ones look the best?  Did they look this good on the LCD display screen or phone?  How did the different cameras handle the different lighting conditions?