4×4 Road: Johnson Canyon Road – Death Valley National Park

High clearance-required 4×4 road up an alluvial fan to Johnson Canyon and Wilson Spring. Total Distance: 9.8 miles point to point (dead end) Elevation Gain: 4,128ft. up, 46ft. down (-250ft. to 3,837ft.) Road Difficulty: 1.8+ for the first 6.5 miles; 2.3+ beyond Bicycle Difficulty: More Difficult View Rating: Author’s Rating: Visitor Rating: Visitor Difficulty Rating: […]

Dirt Road: West Side Road – Death Valley National Park

High clearance-required dirt/gravel road that travels along the west side of Badwater Flats and gives access to 4×4 roads up desert canyons, historic sites, beautiful views, and more. Total Distance: 35.9 miles point-to-point Elevation Gain: 751ft. gain, 736ft. loss N to S Road Difficulty: 1.5 (high clearance required) Bicycle Difficulty: More Difficult View Rating: Author’s […]

4×4 Road: Deadman Pass Road – Death Valley National Park

Drive across Deadman Pass in the Greenwater Mountains between Greenwater Valley Road and CA-127. Total Distance: 13.4 miles point to point Elevation Gain: 341ft. up, 1,278ft. down (3,264ft. to 2,065ft.) Road Difficulty: 2.0 (4×4 required) Bicycle Difficulty: More Difficult View Rating: Author’s Rating: Visitor Rating: Visitor Difficulty Rating: Pets: Leashed Horses: Yes Best Seasons: October-May […]

Gold Valley Road – Death Valley National Park

Follow a 4×4 track off of the Greenwater Valley Road through the Black Mountains to Willow Spring and Gold Valley. Total Distance: 13.0 miles point-to-point (dead end) Elevation Gain: 1,432ft. up, 1,877ft. down (4,479ft. to 2,637ft.) Road Difficulty: 2.0 (4×4 required) Bicycle Difficulty: More Difficult View Rating: Author’s Rating: Visitor Rating: Visitor Difficulty Rating: Pets: […]

Lee’s Camp Road – Death Valley National Park

Rough gravel/dirt road through mining country in the Funeral Mountains and past Lee’s Camp to a point near the “town” of Amargosa Valley. Total Distance: 18.2 miles point-to-point Elevation Gain: 1,658ft. up, 2,849ft. down (2,381ft. to 4,857ft.) Road Difficulty: 2.5+; 2.0 for southern 3 miles; 1.6 for northern 7.6 miles Bicycle Difficulty: Very Difficult View […]

Echo Canyon Road – Death Valley National Park

Gravel/dirt road that gives access to Eye of the Needle Arch and the Inyo Mine. Total Distance: 10.9 miles point to point Elevation Gain: 3,729ft. up, 27.5ft. down (410ft. to 4,120ft.) Road Difficulty: 1.4 for the first 3 miles; 2.0 beyond Bicycle Difficulty: Very Difficult View Rating: Author’s Rating: Visitor Rating: Visitor Difficulty Rating: Pets: […]

Lippincott Mine (Lead King Mine) – Death Valley National Park

Visit an old mine along with views of Saline Valley. Total Distance: 2.1 mile loop with spurs Elevation Gain: 564ft. (3,732ft. to 4,014ft.) Difficulty: Moderate 0-5 Mile Difficulty: Moderately Strenuous View Rating: Author’s Rating: Visitor Rating: Visitor Difficulty Rating: Pets: No Horses: Yes Best Seasons: November-April Special Permits: None Water Availability: None Overnight Options: The […]

Ubehebe Lead Mine – Death Valley National Park

Visit an old lead, copper, gold, and silver mine. Note that the area is hazardous with both toxic chemicals and unstable mine shafts. Total Distance: 0.75 miles point-to-point (dead end) Elevation Gain: 36ft. up, 166ft. down (4,010ft. to 3,860ft.) Road Difficulty: 2.0 Bicycle Difficulty: More Difficult View Rating: Author’s Rating: Visitor Rating: Visitor Difficulty Rating: […]

Racetrack Road – Death Valley National Park

A rough, unpaved, high-clearance-only road that leads to the famous lakebed with mysteriously moving rocks. Do not walk on the playa (mud) if it is wet. Total Distance: 29.5 miles point to point Elevation Gain: 2,693ft. up, 1,419ft. down (2,476ft. to 4,956ft.) Road Difficulty: 1.9 Bicycle Difficulty: More Difficult View Rating: Author’s Rating: Visitor Rating: […]